All | Last 30 Days | Last 7 Days | Last Day
Data Last Updated: January 24, 2025, 11:15 am CTAnonymous | 594859 | |
Jackalope | 14818 | |
Angel Sword | 12001 | |
GenieUK | 10792 | |
Jack Herer | 10292 |
Vertas Pass | 372882 | |
Superstition Canyon | 207091 | |
The Rise | 103842 | |
Obsidian Panopticon | 72629 | |
Verdantis Mines | 41492 |
Blood River Forest | 153 | |
Crooked Shank | 695 | |
Deep Savrenoc Timberland | 1104 | |
Despair | 6932 | |
Greymark Forest | 19122 | |
Highvale | 3958 | |
Lord British's Castle | 22481 | |
LostVale | 9115 | |
Middle Downs | 771 | |
Moors of Northshore | 222 | |
North Quel Way | 42 | |
Obsidian Panopticon | 72629 | |
Penmawr Island | 687 | |
PlayerDungeon_BrownMarbleFoyer_3Connections | 42 | |
PlayerDungeon_GreenBrickFoyer_3Connections | 121 | |
PlayerDungeon_GreyStone | 838 | |
PlayerDungeon_RedStone | 49 | |
RandomEncounter_Plains02 | 2386 | |
RandomEncounter_Tundra01 | 1962 | |
Rhun Ruins | 1944 | |
Savrenoc Stronghold | 3802 | |
Savrenoc Timberland | 380 | |
Shaminian Hills | 7340 | |
Solania Catacombs | 10151 | |
South Broken Road | 5060 | |
South Fetid Swamp | 25 | |
South Varisalla Foothills | 549 | |
Superstition Canyon | 207091 | |
Tartarus | 21616 | |
The Rise | 103842 | |
Understorm Gold Mine | 10366 | |
Verdantis Mines | 41492 | |
Vertas Pass | 372882 |
Anonymous | 4586 | |
ShieldMaiden Elder | 62 | |
Beorn | 41 | |
Cilla Sybin | 41 | |
Xak Xarras | 33 |