Welcome slayer of dragons! This is the initial version of the dragon slayer leaderboard. The goal is to setup a leaderboard for players who love to hunt the greatest creatures in SotA and see where they stand amongst their peers. It also sets the stage for some player events :) There is a long way to go, especially in the visual design of the leaderboard, so please bare with me on this journey.
NOTE: Data is refreshed every 30 minutes. Click on the leaderboard to get detailed results.
UPDATE: A new leaderboard view is available based on "slayer power". This view is ranked on a weighted sum where each dragon slain is given a "power" value as opposed to each one being weighted the same. The weights are: Aether(35), Ancient(20), Clockwork(10), Standard(5), Young(1)
Shoey | 88 |
Lao Tzu | 20 |
Galorn Hammerthrow | 12 |
WarlorZ Nolock | 5 |
TheBard | 5 |
Ceal Astra | 4 |
Gorkie | 4 |
Onyx | 3 |
Jade | 3 |
Psycho Dellia | 2 |
SmokeALoT DrinkALoT | 2 |
Morkin | 2 |
Reckless | 1 |
Galdan Ritter | 1 |
Azurion Dufresne | 1 |